Friday, February 27, 2015

My Anti Drug

My anti drug would music. Music is something that has been a big part of my life, ever since I was a little kid I enjoyed listening to music. I would always watch MTV back when they would play music. I always listen to music when I'm in school and out of school. I can literally listen to music all day. When every I'm mad or feeling down I just listen to music to get my mind off of things and it really does help a lot. When ever I have a game and I'm nervous I just listen to music to get pumped up. So i say that music had been my anti drug.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

An Inconvenient Truth

In the movie, An Inconvenient Truth I learned a lot about the weather and it had me thinking about things that I never really thought about. I learned there are many people in the world that are doing things to the Earth and they don't know that they are doing harm to our planet. In the documentary it talked about how most places would be flooded and thats a really scary thought. It also talked about Greenland and Antarctica and how 40% of the people depend on them so if those places were to melt we would know we were in some kind of problem. One part that really made me think was when we was gold bars and planet Earth on a scale, it made me think about how people care more about money rather than our only living planet. This documentary was really interesting and it made me she life in a different way.