Sunday, December 6, 2015

spanish blog

Título de Artículo: Soccer is Good For Your Heart
Autor: Joshua Wortman
Raíz de Artículo: Health and fitness new
Area de ciencia: Fisica
En el Artículo se habla de un estudio nuevo que enseña que el fútbol es la mejor manera de estar saludable, normalizar la presión baja, reducir peligro de apoplejía, para personas que sufren de hipertensión. Hipertensión es cuando tienes alta presión. Dicen que la mayoría de la gente que juegan fútbol tienen esa condición. Había un estudio que consiste de 33 hombres con edades de 33 a 54. En este estudio estabas en uno de dos grupos, el primer grupo tenía dos secciones de una hora de futbol por semana y el segundo grupo nomas iba a un médico y empezaba una dieta y actividades físicas. Este estudio duró 6 meses y los resultados eran que el grupo que entrenaba futbol experimentaron una mayor reducción de baja presión que el otro grupo.

  1. Normaliza baja presión y reduce peligro de apoplejía
  2. Enseña maxima mejoria en el consumo de oxígeno
  3. El fútbol mejora la aptitud y quema la grasa
  4. El fútbol ayuda mejor que el medicamento  
  5. Combinando consejos de doctores y de fútbol puede resultar mejor salud

Encontré este articulo interesante porque el futbol es mi deporte favorito y leyendo de todos los beneficios que te da este deporte me hizo tener más interés en este deporte. Dicen que el fútbol es una buena manera de hacer cardio y mejora tu aptitud y quema la grasa. Sobre todo me gusto mucho este articulo porque biene ciendo mi deporte favorito.

  1. Hypertension - anormalmente alta presion
  2. Cardiovascular - se relaciona con los vasos sanguíneos y el corazón
  3. Médico - una persona calificada para practicar medicina  
  4. Infracción - la obstrucción del suministro de sangre a un órgano o región de tejido
  5. Diferentemente - que tiene una calidad especial

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Article Reveiw

Title of Article: Soccer is Good For Your Heart
Author: Joshua Wortman
Article Source: Health and Fitness News
Area of Science: Physics

Summary: In the article it talks about how a new study shows that soccer is the best way to stay fit, normalize blood pressure, and reduce risk of stroke for people who suffer from hypertension. Hypertension is when you have a high blood pressure and it says that most of the people that play soccer have that condition. There was a study that consisted of 33 men with ages for 33 to 54 and one of these man suffers from hypertension. In the study you were either placed in one of two groups, the first group had a two 1 - hour soccer session each week and the second group would just go to a physician and go on a diet and physical activity. They did that for 6 months and the results were that the group with the soccer training experienced a greater reduction in average mean blood pressure than the other group.

Facts: 1. Normalizes blood pressure and reduces risk of stroke
          2. Shows improvements in  maximal oxygen uptake
          3. Soccer improves fitness and burns fat
          4. Soccer helps more than medication
          5. Combining advice from the doctor along with soccer can result in better health

Opinion: I found this article really interesting because soccer is my favorite sport and reading about all the good benefits this sport can give you made me have more interest in the sport. Soccer is said to be a good way to do cardio and it improves your fitness and helps burn fat. Over all I really enjoyed reading this article due to the fact that I like this sport and being able to learn about it was good.

Vocabulary: 1. Hypertension - abnormally high blood pressure
                     2. Cardiovascular- of or relating to the heart and blood vessels
                     3. Physician - a person qualified to practice medicine
                     4. Infarction- the obstruction of the blood supply to an organ or region of tissue,
                                           typically by a thrombus or embolus, causing local death of the tissue.
                     5. Distinctively - having a special quality

Friday, March 27, 2015

March 27, 2015

In my production company i could say that we have made a lot of progress. At this point we have already came up with three ideas for our films for the whole semester and we already began with our first one. We have our screen play and our story boards done. We already began filming the first part of our first project which is a PSA and we began editing that first part so we have made a lot of progress.

Friday, March 6, 2015

What Music Means to Me

Music is a big part of my life because it is something that I've been listening to music growing up as a kid. Music is a like an escape for me because when i listen to music i get lost in the lyrics and forget about everything going on around me. My taste in music is all over the place because I like different types of music. I listen to trap and rap music most of the time. Trap music isn't the most appropriate type of music because it talks about a lot of violence and drugs but they all have a story and thats what I like about that type of music. My favorite trap artist is Chief Keef because i really like his music, its something I can listen to all day and i find him really interesting, I've watched one short little documentary about him and his music really relates to what he talks about. Another reason why I find him really interesting is because he is really crazy and reckless. Another type of music that i like to listen to are corridos and banda. Since i grew up in a hispanic family I grew up listening to that type of music and I'm in the car with my dad a lot and he listens to corridos a lot so its just something that I've gotten used to. We go to a lot of parties and they always play banda and it has a nice beat.  

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Problems & Struggles

Here in Bell Highschool students go through some struggles on a daily basis. One of the biggest struggles in high school is homework. Most students have AP classes and they have more than one which means that they get a lot of homework and most students are involved in sports which means that they have to keep their grade up so that they can remain on the team. That causes a lot of stress for students because you have to worry about a lot of things. I know this because I am going through that situation. Well i don't have Ap classes yet because i am barley a freshman but i still have to worry about my grades. I am on the Tennis team and i am in varsity but what worries me is that i am going to get bad grades and then i will not be able to play. That has been causing me a lot of stress.

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Most Interesting Person in the World!

The most interesting person to me is my cousin Edward. He was born in Mexico and came over to the US when he was 13 years old. He managed to learn English pretty fast and at this point he knows more words than me. The reason he is very interesting to me is because of his stories. He lives in Phenix Arizona but he comes to California a lot because most of our family lives in California. And sometimes we to Arizona with them. Since it is a 6 hour trip it gets pretty boring, that is why i always want to be in the same car as him. He always has stories to say that he has experienced whether its at school or when he goes to visit family in Mexico. Our family is really strange and you will never expect the things that are going to happen. Well he makes the trip g by really fast with his stories and he makes me laugh a lot. But besides the stories he tells i also think that he is interesting because he is like a role model to me because he came from Mexico not knowing any English and he is now getting scholarships and letters from universities.

Friday, February 27, 2015

My Anti Drug

My anti drug would music. Music is something that has been a big part of my life, ever since I was a little kid I enjoyed listening to music. I would always watch MTV back when they would play music. I always listen to music when I'm in school and out of school. I can literally listen to music all day. When every I'm mad or feeling down I just listen to music to get my mind off of things and it really does help a lot. When ever I have a game and I'm nervous I just listen to music to get pumped up. So i say that music had been my anti drug.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

An Inconvenient Truth

In the movie, An Inconvenient Truth I learned a lot about the weather and it had me thinking about things that I never really thought about. I learned there are many people in the world that are doing things to the Earth and they don't know that they are doing harm to our planet. In the documentary it talked about how most places would be flooded and thats a really scary thought. It also talked about Greenland and Antarctica and how 40% of the people depend on them so if those places were to melt we would know we were in some kind of problem. One part that really made me think was when we was gold bars and planet Earth on a scale, it made me think about how people care more about money rather than our only living planet. This documentary was really interesting and it made me she life in a different way.